Happening this week in Sandton, South Africa – we have launched the second workshop in a series of week-long training workshops on Financial Intelligence analysis, targeting financial analysts, managers of FIUs and analysts of criminal investigation units from the east, central and southern Africa region.
In this week, 2 similar workshops will run in parallel, one in English and the other in French for participants from French speaking beneficiary countries.
We were lucky to have KASPERS Theodorus (EEAS-MASERU), the head of Cooperation at the European Union’s Delegation to South Africa; Pieter Smit, the executive manager of the legal and policy department at the South African Financial Intelligence Centre. Also present at the launch was Ms Fikile Zitha, the executive secretary of the esaamlg org – the eastern and southern Africa Anti Money Laundering Group.
Frédéric BAYARD was at hand to welcome all the participants as well as to present to the, in a nutshell, the aspirations of the project in all the 34 countries we’re working with.
This training, and the work of the AML-CFT ESCAY Project in 34 beneficiary countries is supported by the European Union.
#africa #southafrica #financialintelligence #training #moneylaundering #europeanunion