A former High Commissioner of Police, Frédéric has over 35 years of extensive experience in policing and security issues, starting in France and, over the years, in other parts of Europe, most regions of Africa, the Middle East and South America.
He has in-depth experience in the Horn of Africa, having worked as the French provost Marshall of the Operation ‘Restore Hope’, covering Djibouti and Somalia. Frédéric has worked in anti-terrorism efforts in France, Lebanon, Somalia, Syria, Israel, Romania, Moldova, Kosovo, Bosnia, Guyana, Greater Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean nations. Before joining this project, he was the Kenya Technical Key Expert for the EU funded three-year Regional Law Enforcement support project. He is a former Airlift country manager for Anti-Terrorist Operations in Niger, Mali, Chad and Burkina-Faso. Frédéric also worked as a French Ministry of Interior Attaché in the French Embassy in Bucharest for Romania, Moldova/Transnistria. Being a post graduate in Public Finance and Accountability, Frédéric is also an Engineer in private/public Security and Safety Engineering. He has a Masters’ Degree in Crisis Management and a Public Law degree.