We closed the year by returning to the Democratic Republic of the Congo for a week, to continue with the tailor-made technical assistance to the country, which we had started the previous month.
The week’s training, a continuation from the previous month, was designed to improve technical capacity of the different institutions in the country, who are mandated with investigation, prosecution and conviction of ML/TF offenses; as well as in asset recovery and confiscation.
We ran two training modules concurrently, one on Financial Investigations and the other on Asset Recovery and confiscation. Our assistance to the DRC was in response to an official request to us at the AML – CFT ESCAY PROJECT to offer technical support and support the country in improving stakeholders’ capacity in Immediate Outcome 7, 8, and 9.
The D R Congo is in the grey list for its AML/CFT deficiencies in relation to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)‘s standards. The D R Congo, in collaboration with its partners, established a working group to coordinate technical support in all the Immediate Outcomes that the country scored low in its mutual evaluation.
Participants in both the first and this second session included officials from the FIU, judiciary police, public prosecution, asset recovery, the judiciary and other relevant agencies. The Project has designed the required courses supported by practical exercises.